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Unlocking Information from Inconclusive A/B Test Results

Duration - 55 minutes
Kenya Davis

Kenya Davis

Sr. Manager, Decision Science, Evolytics

Vipul Bansal

Vipul Bansal

Sr. Marketing Manager, VWO

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Not every website experiment will result in a positive ROI. Ronny Kohavi, VP of Experimentation at Airbnb (previously at Bing), mentioned that only a third of the experiments run at Bing actually produce any positive result. The rest are either flat or negative. What’s important isn’t attaining an impossible 100% win rate, but understanding how to learn from and pivot when you get inconclusive, or even negative, test results.

In this webinar, Kenya Davis, Sr. Manager – Decision Science at Evolytics, will share some key points on handling inconclusive test results. Kenya, who was previously leading conversion optimization programs at Lowe’s, a Fortune 50 company, will help you identify unique features in a test that prevents repeating the behavior that leads to inconclusive results.

Key questions she will answer:

  • What are the indicators of inconclusive tests, and how to avoid them
  • How to pivot the testing roadmap
  • How to unpack inconclusive data in 3 steps
  • How to relay next steps to leaders and peers

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